
Welcome to the GRZS website.

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Rescue requires heartiness as well as superior competence and equipment.
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Accident statistics after years

Review interventions after years
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Take care of walking in the mountains

Without adequate mountaineering education, climbs can be life -threatening
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Last news

You are invited to read the news about the events of the mountain rescuers

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Act responsibly
We volunteer to help

We are always here to help

The purpose and basic activity of the Mountain Rescue Association of Slovenia (GRZS) is to voluntarily help people in the event of accidents in the mountains and on difficult accessible terrain. Our work also includes prevention and education of members and other visitors to the mountains.

  • Accidents in the mountains
  • Avalanches
  • Landslides
  • Earthquakes
  • Fires
About GRZS
Become a supporter

Help us become better.

Mountain rescuers are volunteers. With your donation, you enable us to train and purchase equipment to do our work safely and efficiently.

Together with us

We thank our long-time supporters who help us on our way.

Zavarovalnica Triglav Elan Dacia
Related organizations

We express our support to other organizations that help people in times of accidents.


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