GRZS tips

22. 6. 2012

Avtor: Tadej Petek

Use of GSM in regions with a weak signal and in the highlands

Nowadays, we can hardly imagine life without a mobile phone. With its functions, it represents a wide range of usability.

GSM network

The GSM network is a so-called cellular network. A cell consists of a base station, which is located in an optimal place. It works in two or in three frequency ranges (900, 1800 and 1900 MHz). The ideal base station range at 900 MHz is said to be up to 35 km. Ideally, the cells would have the shape of hexagons, but realistically, the shape of the cell depends on the relief variation. In high mountains and remote areas, due to inaccessibility, it is not possible to provide a proper cellular network, so GSM terminals catch the weak signals of several cells located in the valleys.

Switching between two cells can interrupt the signal for 300 ms, and this is already known in conversation. The problem in the highlands is that these switches are carried out even with a small movement of the GSM terminal. Up to 10 times during a classic one-minute conversation. It is recommended to use a hands-free set, as then we ensure that the GSM terminal will be at rest and the number of switches will be significantly reduced and a better quality connection will be ensured. When calling the number 112, it is important that the connection is understandable, so the GSM terminal should be completely still.

If you don’t have a hands-free kit, try placing the phone somewhere and using the built-in speaker to talk. If you can’t guarantee that either, then keep your cell phone as still as possible. Newer phones have a built-in antenna, which significantly reduces the signal range. It is recommended to hold the phone at the very beginning when calling an emergency number or any other number. Holding the phone with your whole hand reduces the signal strength, as sweaty hands absorb the weak high-frequency signal. Holding the phone to your ear also reduces the signal strength and affects the quality of the connection. That is why it is good to have a hands-free kit next to the phone, it is recommended to use a wired one, as using a wireless one unnecessarily consumes valuable energy.

UTMS or 3G system

When using newer mobile phones with built-in UMTS or 3G systems, the operation of UMTS can be very disruptive when establishing a connection. Therefore, we turn it off and switch to GSM-only operation. All phone models have the option to turn off or isolation of the UMTS transmitter. We can also help with the method of searching for networks by setting it to manual network selection. In the highlands, it may happen that we “catch” the signal of a foreign operator because the signal is stronger than the domestic one. By manually dialing, we can switch to the home phone and thus establish a connection. When calling 112, the phone uses all available networks, including foreign networks.

Which operator will answer depends on the geographical location of the base station (cell) to which the phone was connected. That’s why we always tell the operator where we are, as it is very difficult to trace a call in the highlands. The fact is that older models of GSM terminals are much more reliable than new, modern ones that already use an operating system for operation. If we have a new phone, make sure that all applications and other activities are turned off, as the reliability of the connection will increase even more. An SMS message requires a much weaker signal for its transmission than for a voice call.

SMS messages

If we cannot establish a voice connection, we can also help each other with an SMS message. However, we cannot send it to the 112 notification center. If there is a chance that the SMS message will get through, we describe the situation with as few characters as possible and send it to someone who can pass the message on. Let’s be as economical as possible when using the phone’s energy. Phones should be charged before the tour. Make sure that all features and applications are turned off, as they significantly increase power consumption. Using the phone in an area without a signal or with weak signals significantly increases battery consumption, as the transmitter operates at full power and thus contributes to significant energy consumption. Even when calling 112, the transmitter is switched on at full power. Therefore, it is recommended to turn off the phone while walking and turn it on when we need it.

Some NOKIA models have a built-in trick to turn on battery backup power, which should allow you to make a call or two. Combinations of typed characters can be 3370#, #4720# and similar. The reserve is charged by the phone the first time it is charged.

The phone is a very useful thing because it makes many things easier for us. It can also save our lives, so it is good to know the principle of operation and some trick to improve the relationship.

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